8 Hectares at the entrance of Los Molinos

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Property Details

Property ID
For Sale
Property Type
Sale Price
$ 1,600,000
Price per m2
$ 20
Total Area
8 ha
Title Status
Property Title
Date Published
Jun 12, 2016
Mar 22, 2019
Times Viewed

Property Description

8 hectares on the main road from David to Boquete for sale!

This property lies between Los Molinos and the main road and is therefore ideal for development. the price of only $ 20 per square metres makes it very attractive, as the current price is $ 40 - 60 per square metre. 

In Spanish, the word Boquete means 'gap or opening'. It was through this gap that curious gold seekers trekked, looking for a cheaper and quicker way to the Pacific. Farmers began settling in the region near the end of the nineteenth century. .

In addition to tourism, its main industry remains agriculture, especially the growing of coffee beans. Boquete is well known for its coffee, judged to be among the finest in the world.

Boquete boasts a very lively music and arts scene. The annual Boquete Jazz & Blues Festival is the second largest jazz festival in the country after the Panama City Jazz Festival. 

A performing theater group, named Boquete Community Players (BCP) is a Panamanian foundation and is operated as a not-for-profit organization. Its venue is a restaurant and bar in the center of Boquete alongside the Caldera River. The mission of BCP is to sponsor, produce, and promote artistic events to enhance appreciation for and understanding of the arts, and to promote a cohesive sense of community. BCP produced its first Spanish language production in 2015.

An interesting "side activity" of the BCP is the weekly market at the BCP facility coincident with a weekly information and discussion session at the BCP theater. These joint market and information meetings have come to be known as the "Tuesday Morning Meetings" (TMM). Through time and with the demonstrated community interest, the Tuesday market has become a very significant community activity. Visitors to Boquete are frequently advised to visit BCP on Tuesday mornings because it is such an integral part of the community. The Tuesday information meetings, and especially the Tuesday market activities have been a big success, not only commercially speaking, but more importantly in the integration of the locals and the expatriates working side by side.

Some of Boquete's landmarks include nearby Volcán Barú, an active volcano and, at 3,475 meters (11,400 feet), the tallest point of land in Panama. Hikers enjoy a relatively easy hike up and over the volcano, along the Sendero de los Quetzales, which runs from Boquete up to Cerro Punta and Volcán, on the other side of the volcano. The Caldera River runs through the town.

There is a large community of ex pats in Boquete; over 3,000 foreigners permanently living in Boquete, from over 30 different countries. Although Americans and Canadians comprise the majority of ex pats, there is also a large group of immigrants from Colombia and Venezuela, and the third largest group of immigrants are from European countries. This increase in immigrants has stimulated the growth of new industries and business, owned both by locals and foreigners. The most relevant industry is the hotel industry; there are currently over 50 accommodations in Boquete, ranging from 5 star resorts to backpacker's hostels. Along with hotels, many new restaurants have opened in Boquete. Several other businesses oriented to serve tourists in Boquete: golf, river rafting, trekking and hiking, canopy tours, biking and many other outdoor activities for visitors of all ages. 

Property Features

  • Mountain View


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